Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I'm just a bit confuzzled since this is a 64 bit game which would allow a bigger length of addresses/offsets, would it not? I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong here. What's interesting is that the code works fine if I was doing a Simple Code Injection (via direct address), but because I'm a common online player I rely on AOB Scanning Since patches will change certain types of address And if you don't understand what you're supposed to do or how to work with the results you may find, do the last step of CE's tutorial. With default dissect data settings you should look for purple lines. This is my first time reverse engineering a 64 bit game, So I'm not quite too sure if it's just the code. Find a valid identifiert between human players and AI/enemy players. But this error just doesn't make sense for me and I'm unsure what part of the code is causing this. Now normally when I make a mistake it would tell me what Line that was causing the error.
Once I was done making the script, it would spew out an error. Just to play around with the game's code I made myself a script for Inf HP, It's as easy as NOPing it but it affected enemies too, So I made my own AA Code Injection script. I don't post here that often but I've been playing a new game called DS3 and I'm starting to enjoy it. Posted: Wed 3:47 pm Post subject: Dark Souls 3 (64-bit) - AA Script Error (offset too big)